App for finding sports mates for friendly match in the vicinity

Feb 05 2017

What if you have an area suitable for football in the vicinity but not enough friends to play?

Why not have an app where you describe the lawn and level of seriousness to let others join?

Or say you have a team of 6 but want another 6 to play with?

Or you want to play some sports but don’t know where people are playing?

There should be an app for that.

Enter location, time andlevel of seriousness in an app. Other interested in the same area; who feel like playing, get a popup and you all get together and play.

The idea could be extended to the drummer calling in sick at last minute, garage sales, apple picking, sailing crew, swimming company or shopping company.

Update 20200816

I saw one at the local lawn. Something football-ish. Nice!

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