When you start the oven it goes into a warm-up phase. When the right temperature is reached a light turns off. It means I have to watch that light once in a while to see if the oven is warm enough.
Why not let there be a small chime when the temperature is reached.
Not an electronic beep because there are already so many irritating sounds around us. Just a nice little chime please.
I have a google calendar. My spouse has a microsoft live one. I can’t get them to synchronise.
I have found no way to synchronise the two calendars.
I have for a long time thought about a site helping people share cars when commuting. One day it struck me that every man sitting in his 1500kg steel cage sits there because he wants to. It’s his time to be alone and feel free and powerful. Alas, a site for helping him get company in the car would not be visited very much.
But… there are people with long commutes. I am thinking of 2 hours or more. For such a long commute more energy can be spent on finding company, shared fuel money, ebooks and whatever is wanted for long trips.
A web site for them might be helpful.
30 years since email got mainstream (ehm, 20 years) and we still don’t have a way to send large files to each other.
Fileshare, Megaupload etc. are too public (and gone from the day of light as I write).
How come we still don’t have it?