Archive for October, 2020

A car that work with high heels

Oct 20 2020 Published by under Uncategorized

Ever tried to drive a car while wearing high heels? Ever tried to break and accelerate and clutch? It should be as comfortable as for men’s shoes.

Do design car pedals that work with high heeled shoes.

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Bicycle helmet that works for a pony tail

Oct 16 2020 Published by under Uncategorized

If you have pony tial tied low, your bicycle helmet might fit. If you have it middle or high you cannot have a bicycle helmet.

Do design a bicycle helmet that fits people with pony tails.

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A car headrest that works for a pony tail

Oct 12 2020 Published by under Uncategorized

Half of the population has long hair and half of them have pony tails.

Do design a car seat with a head rest that is usable with pony tail.

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