Keyboard for non-touch typers
The keyboard layout is created for touch typists (there are some comments about this but bear with me) but most people don’t touch type.
So why not have a keyboard that is better for index finger typers? The space bar isn’t pressed by the thumb so it could be smaller and give place for other buttons. Ditto almost all buttons since an index finger typer probably looks at the keyboard too. One could also get rid of the qwerty layout which isn’t very good for typing and it makes finding keys harder for someone who seldom types.
Personally I am using ergonomical keyboards (yes – I touch type) since they are easier on the wrists; but I am on the lookout for customizable keyboards where I can bend it and place the keys wherever I like.
If you dear reader is programming and using a Swedish keyboard let me present 1337 keyboard layout for you. It has a US base (better for programming) but with åäö (necessary to write Swedish) on it too. Then I have switched the figures and the special characters on the top row so there is no need for pressing shift every time you want a parenthesis.