A site for keeping tab on lending and borrowing
A site for keeping tab what you lend out and what you borrow from others.
One kind of user is the casual user. The one that has a house and 10 neighbours. He has lent out his calliper and the pressure gauge and has borrowed an extra long drill and the lawn mower knife sharpener. Once a month he gets a reminding email with what he has lent and borrowed. So does his neighbours.
This user only has to enter the name of the thing, the lender, the borrower and a date. The lawn mower is typically not used for half a year and can just as well occupy space in the neighbour’s garage as his own.
Then there is the slightly more advanced user. He is the intendent of a football team and has 33 balls he lends out to trainers and players. He also has a lawn mower that is used at different arenas and of course the medallions and trophies that is lent out to the winner of each year’s 10-12-years-old-league winners.
The balls are not unique but the number of balls is important. The trophies are unique though. The lawn mower is unique but there is only one so it feels like a more casual lending. Not less important to get it back though.