Detachable or movable radiators
Anyone who has cleaned a room with wall mounted radiators knows the problem. There is no way to properly clean the wrinkled surfaces.
Anyone who has painted a room with wall mounted radiators knows the problem. There is no way to paint the wall behind the radiator without applying some on the radiator too.
On the radiators I am used to, it is possible to unfasten and tilt them slighty outwards; which might lead to a leakage in the radiator/tube joint since they are not constructed for movement. Doable for painting, which is only done once every 20 years, but not applicable for cleaning.
Why not have soft tubes so the radiator can easily be detached? I have such on my washing machine and dishwasher so the technique and material already exist. There is no need to have soft tubes all the way, just lead the hard piping to behind the radiator and soft tubing from there.